Septic tank

So that among all the proposals abounding in the market, pick your ideal option, you will have to learn more about the main features of the existing equipment. All septic tanks can be divided into 2 main types, differing according to the principle of action: cumulative; purifying. The first — cumulative septic tanks — is the simplest. They are a container designed to collect waste products of a person living in a dacha. It can be made of any material.
The size of such a septic can be selected depending on the needs. It is optimal when the storage tank holds about 10 m3 of effluent. The storage septic tank filled with sewage can be installed under the ground or left on the surface. In other words, such a septic tank resembles a cesspool in modern design. In detail read about bioseptics on the website

Periodically, as it is filled, you need to clean up, causing a sewage machine. Independently such an operation will not be possible. This is the most basic disadvantage, because the cost of sanitation services is not small. Therefore, all the cages of the cumulative type are ideal for small families or lonely summer residents, who rarely visit the house. The daily volume of effluents from all tenants should be minimal to reduce the frequency of pumping waste from the storage tank.

Tanks for collection of waste in small volumes are especially popular among seasonal summer residents. As a rule, they take plastic models. The second option is cleansing septic tanks. This is more complicated equipment, which allows not only to collect, but also to clean the drains. The cost will depend directly on: from the level of final cleaning; the principle of work; volume of capacity; additional functions. The cleaning level can vary between 50-98%. Moreover, if the output should be obtained from the dirty liquid entering the septic tank through the sewage pipe, the technical water with a purification degree of up to 75%, then a septic tank will be sufficient. If the liquid component of the effluent is to be decontaminated and cleaned to 95-98% for a free discharge into the ground or a gutter, a biological treatment station will be required.